Between Heaven and Earth | Bayn Al Janaa Wa Al Ard

Ouça a mensagem da realizadora  AQUI

Mensagem do Júri
A esfera privada torna-se política, neste filme que, contando a história de um casal em plena crise (e prestes a divorciar-se), examina, ao mesmo tempo, as relações complexas e dramáticas no Médio Oriente. Mas não deixa de ser comovente e até divertido, em certas situações de tão absurdas que são. A metáfora de uma relação situada no meio de um conflito é a teia de desenlace de um filme cativante e empolgante. O Júri Internacional decidiu atribuir uma Menção Honrosa ao filme Between Heaven and Earth, de Najwa Najjar.

SAB 28 NOV 11h | Sala 3
26 NOV – 10 DEZ | FILMIN


Leia AQUI a entrevista à realizadora | METRÓPOLIS | Sara Afonso
Leia AQUI a entrevista à realizadora | C7NEMA | Jorge Pereira

Between Heaven and Earth Bayn Al Janaa Wa Al Ard

Najwa Najjar
Palestina, Luxemburgo, Islândia | ficção | 2019 | 95’

Salma e Tamer são um jovem casal a viver no Território Palestiniano. A primeira vez que Tamer obtém uma autorização para atravessar um posto de controle israelita é para requerer o divórcio. No tribunal, o casal faz uma assombrosa descoberta sobre o passado do falecido pai de Tamer, que os leva numa vertiginosa viagem emocional, em exploração da perda e traição do passado. Baseado livremente em acontecimentos políticos verdadeiros.

Salma and Tamer are a young couple living in the Palestinian Territory. Tamer is granted permission to cross the Israeli checkpoint for the first time in order to file for divorce. At the courthouse the couple is confronted with a staggering discovery about the past of Tamer's deceased father. This sends them spinning on an emotional road trip exploring the loss and betrayal of the past. The film is loosely based on true political events. 

Argumento Screenplay Najwa Najjar
Produção Production Hani Kort
Fotografia Cinematography Tomas Tomasson
Montagem Editing Elisabet Ronaldsdottir
Música Original Original Music Tamer Karawan
Direcção de Arte Art Director Rafat Asad e Ruba Salameh
Som Sound Design Michael Shillings
Com With Mouna Hawa e Firas Nassar
Distribuição Distributor  Ustura Films

Prémios Awards
Prémio Naguib Mahfouz para Melhor Argumento Cairo IFF, Egipto | Melhor Actor, Mostra de Valencia Film Festival, Espanha | Melhor Filme, Boston Palestine Film Festival, EUA | Prémio do Público, Middle East Now Film Festival Florence, Itália

Festivais Festivals 
Selecção oficial do European Academy Film Awards e 26 festivais que foram cancelados (COVID19)


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Nota da Realizadora
Inspiration for Between Heaven and Earth started in a falafel shop in Haifa, when the owner told me about his son refusing a film scholarship to London because he’s one of the guardians of Iqrit. A trip to what had become an unknown Palestinian town, tree kilometers away from the Lebanese border and nonexistent on google map, took us ten hours to reach. We finally found a heavily treed, winding unpaved hidden road lead us to these young men and women, the grand or perhaps the grand grandchildren of their parent living in an extension to the only remaining place, a Church, on their destroyed land. They told me it was the only town that it’s inhabitants actually won the right of return in 1952 after the State of Israel was created, but not being present would allow the expropriation of the land. Their resilience was uplifting, creating hope. The 5 hour trip back home I couldn’t stop thinking on how this could become a fictional film. I had been feeling the dark times we were living more in the past years, with no hope in sight. I felt in Iqrit I found light and happiness.. and in many ways love. As someone who loves love stories .. perhaps a way to escape and dream – I started to conjure up a story of a couple getting a divorce. How do you love under occupation? How do you not allow the heartbreak of your everyday in seeing injustice not affect your own personal relationships? And what if your partner passed through an unthinkable experience ..Can you ever truly divorce what is happening around you from yourself? A love story about divorce became the journey of exploration of love under occupation, in a divide country, with two people from different divides of a country, in which politics forced on them different realities, and yet very similar realities at the same time. Many of the events in the story are based on true events.