7ª edição – 2020
QUA 25 NOV 15h | Sala 3
+ Debate Sala 2 com a presença da realizadora
26 NOV – 10 DEZ | FILMIN
I Am the Revolution
Benedetta Argentieri
Itália, EUA, Iraque, Síria, Afeganistão | documentário | 2018 | 74’
I Am the Revolution conta a história de três mulheres revolucionárias do Médio Oriente, que dirigem a luta pela liberdade e igualdade de género. A activista política Selay Ghaffar é uma das pessoas mais perseguidas no mundo pelos taliban, Rodja Felat é comandante do Exército Democrático Sírio e Yanar Mohammed, considerada pela BBC em 2018 uma das 100 mulheres mais influentes do mundo. I Am the Revolution tells the story of three revolutionary women in the Middle East who are leading the fight for gender equality and freedom. Political activist Selay Ghaffar is one of the most wanted people in the world by the Taliban, Rojda Felat is a commander of the Syrian Democratic Army, and Yanar Mohammed was named by the BBC list as one of 100 most influential women in the world in 2018.
Argumento Screenplay Benedetta Argentieri, Claudio Jampaglia
Produção Production Claudio Jampaglia, Elizabeth Pauker, Benedetta Argentieri
Fotografia Cinematography Arianna LaPenne, Lea Khayata, Francesca Tosarelli
Montagem Editing Elena Toccafondi
Música Music Vittorio Cosma
Distribuidor Distributor Women Make Movies
Festivais Festivals
Kurdish FF, Hamburg, Alemanha | DOC NYC, EUA | Amedi FF, Iraque | BIFF Barrio FF, Itália | Riviera FF, Meet the Docs, Itália | Exile FF, Nova Zelândia | London King’s College, Reino Unido | Rojava IFF, Síria
Website | Facebook | I Am the Revolution_Presskit
Nota da Realizadora
Since 2014 I have reported on some of the worst war zones of modern history, including Baghdad, Iraq and Rojava, Syria. In this time, I met incredible women who were struggling for their rights despite the incredibly difficult context. I embedded with women guerrilla who were fighting the so-called Islamic State (ISIS), and I was able to write for an international audience about women helping others to regain their lives after enduring incredible violence and refusing to delegate their future to men. I saw the changes in Rojava, Syria, where women now have a role in every aspect of society. Women can now choose not to marry. So too, I felt the changes in Iraq, and discovered that Afghanistan is on a similar path. The fight for gender equality seemed to be having an impact on society that I couldn’t have imagined. Meanwhile, the mainstream media continued to report the same outdated narrative: that women are victims. They are portrayed as crying, helpless, and always behind. This documentary out of my need to challenge this idea, and to show how women in these areas are not victims anymore. Women are the ones rebuilding their countries devastated by decades of war. And they are educating other women about their human rights, and what democracy should and cool look like. This is indeed a revolution as hundreds of women are ready to rise up and fight for their rights. Education is the first step for a free life, and these women want everyone to understand that. This is why Selay Ghaffar, in Afghanistan, keeps on talking about it, pressing others to go to school, and organizing literacy courses throughout the country. In Afghanistan, just 16% of women can read and write. None of the women I met want to exclude men from this discourse. They all believe the revolution will fail if men do not embrace it. Males and Females must coexist. We filmed Yanar, Selay, and Rojda as leaders, but they would not be able to succeed without the community of women they have built around them. The dozens of women we met are part of this story. One might argue whether this documentary is just for a female audience, but I really believe this is a universal story. As I started working on this film, the political climate worsened in western countries as right-wing and populist politicians and governments spreading hate towards refugees, are also trying to reduce women’s rights, and moving further and further away from the meaning of democracy. It is important to understand that we can fight back. This documentary illustrates the hardship of these women, but also the power of women. As seen in this film, if women are united then they can overcome all the difficulties including ISIS, Shiite militias, the Taliban, and any societal oppression. “There is no revolution which is more difficult than the revolution of women,” says Yanar Mohammed, one of the protagonists of our documentary. This revolution has started where you least expect it, and there is no turning back.