I Wish I Weren’t Palestinian

26 NOV – 10 DEZ | FILMIN

I Wish I Weren’t Palestinian

Feda Naser
Palestina | documentário | 2019 | 16’

Feda é uma jornalista palestiniana, que sufoca entre as regras da sociedade e a ocupação israelita.
Por entre o desespero do quotidiano, a ansiedade e o medo, quando todas as suas liberdades parecem estar nas mãos do ocupante, num desabafo Feda diz que desejava não ser palestiniana. Mas bastou-lhe encontrar alguém que lhe pôs em causa a identidade na sua própria terra, para logo reencontrar o orgulho em ser palestiniana, e em si própria.

Feda is a Palestinian journalist who feels like a prisoner of the society and the Israeli occupation. Sinking into despair, anxiety and fear, she wishes she was not a Palestinian. But then, if she wasn’t a Palestinian, who would she be? Though Feda doesn’t find an answer, she proudly acknowledges that she couldn’t be anyone else other other than who she is.  

Produção Production Alia Arasoughly
Fotografia Cinematography Julia Pelka
Montagem Editing Adriana Castellanos e Ruba Awwad
Música Original Original Music Ahmed Tanboz
Direcção de Arte Art Director Ruba Awad
Som Sound Design Julie Pelka
Distribuidor Distributor Shashat Woman Cinema

Festivais Festivals
International Changing Perspectives Short FF, Istambul, Turquia


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Nota da Realizadora
I worked as a journalist for 9 years in several television and radio channels, as a reporter, program presenter and producer of special programs. In 2015, I was second for the Arab News Award at the Arab Radio Festival in Tunisia. My experience in filmmaking began in 2013 with Countryside in Black, 6:50 mins., produced by Shashat Woman Cinema, which was shown at the Aegean Documentary Film Festival in Greece. My second film, Same Stories, 10:10 mins., a personal production, won the Grand Prix at the Souss International Festival, Director Prize in Guelmim Festival, and Grand Prix at Bassmat Film Festival in Morocco, as well as Special Mention from the Jury of the Baqleebia International Festival in Tunisia. My third film, Graffiti, 16: 05, produced by Shashat, won the Jury Prize at the Sous International Festival in Morocco, and Best Theme Award at the Casablanca International Festival, and was shown at the Palestinian Film Festival in Chicago and at MyArt Festival in Italy.