Imbued Life | Udahnut život

26 NOV – 10 DEZ | FILMIN

Imbued Life Udahnut život

Ivana Bošnjak e Thomas Johnson
Croácia | animação | 2019 | 12’

Uma jovem procura uma ligação com a força viva da natureza. Usa o seu talento para a taxidermia para “restaurar” os animais no seu habitat natural. Mas a sua verdadeira busca começa quando encontra um rolo de filme por revelar em cada um dos animais que trata. A sua obsessão leva-a a procurar uma explicação para a ligação que sente e que lhe atormenta os sonhos e os momentos despertos.

A young woman seeks a connection with the living force of nature. She uses her talent for taxidermy to ‘restore’ the animals to their natural habitat. But her true quest begins when she starts finding a roll of undeveloped film in each of the animals she treats. Her obsession drives her to seek an explanation for the connection she feels and that haunts her in her dreams as well as in her waking moments. 

Argumento Screenplay Ivana Bošnjak, Thomas Johnson
Produção Production Vanja Andrijević
Fotografia Cinematography Ivan Slipčević
Montagem Editing Iva Kraljević
Música Original Original Music Andrea Martignoni
Direcção de Arte Art Director Ivana Bošnjak, Thomas Johnson
Som Sound Design Andrea Martignoni
Com With Rakan Rushaidat
Distribuidor Distributor  Bonobostudio

Prémios Awards
Menção Especial Grand Competition Short Film, Animafest Zagreb – World Festival of Animated Film, Croácia | Melhor Curta Internacional, Exground Filmfest, Alemanha

Festivais Festivals
Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film, Alemanha | Oberhausen International Short FF, Alemanha | SITGES International Fantastic FF of Catalonia, Espanha | Austin Fantastic Fest, EUA | Annecy International Animation Festival, França | Clermont-Ferrand International Short FF, França | Krakow FF, Polónia | Leeds IFF, Reino Unido | Fantoche International Animation FF, Suíça


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Nota dos realizadores
Our short animation film is centred upon a female protagonist who uses taxidermy to connect deeper with nature. The idea of being truly connected with nature is a close message to our hearts. Through our film Imbued Life we sought to explore this relationship with nature further. We are both fascinated with nature and animals and this film allowed us to present an introspective reflection upon the beauty of the ‘consciousness’ or ‘life force’ of nature. Using puppet stop-motion animation technique allowed us to play with the illusion of life and stillness in a miniature physical world.
This is our second short film using puppets and stop motion animation.