2022 – 9ª EDIÇÃO
||||||| QUI 17 NOV • 14H30 | CINEMA SÃO JORGE, Sala 3
Aleen Shoufani
Palestina • Fic • 2021 • 35’
A história de um conhecido artista de graffiti palestino, Taqi Sabateen, que vive na Cisjordânia. Nas suas histórias de vida pessoais e nas suas obras está manifesta a frustração pela ocupação, os checkpoints, o Muro de Separação. Através dos seus olhos, a câmara reflecte o desespero de toda uma nação, o desespero do povo palestiniano.
The story of an established Palestinian graffiti artist, Taqi Sabateen, from the West Bank. Through his paintings and personal life stories, he reveals his frustration towards the occupation, checkpoints and the Separation Wall. Through his eyes the camera reflects the distress of the whole nation, the distress of the Palestinian people.
Argumento e Direcção de Arte Screenplay and Art Direction Aleen Shoufani
Produção Production leen Shoufani & Elias Shoufani
Fotografia Cinematography Said Jomaa,Sigal Zegman, Aleen Shoufani
Montagem Editing Wafi Khalil
Música Music Elias Garzuzi
Design de Som Sound Design Sari Matar
Com With Taqi Sabateen, Yusra Sabateen, Elyaa Sabateen, Jolan Sabateen, Israa Sabateen
Distribuidor Distributor Independent
Prémios Awards
Melhor Filme, Cannes World FF, França | Melhor Filme, Tagore IFF, Índia | Melhor Filme, Rome Prisma Film Awards, Itália | Melhor Filme, Naples Film Awards, Itália | Melhor Filme, Calcutta Intl Cult FF, Índia | Menção Honrosa, Prague International Indie FF, República Checa | Melhor Filme, Boden IFF, Suécia | Melhor Filme, Stockholm City FF, Suécia | Melhor Filme, Five Continents (online) | Melhor Filme, Golden Harvest FF (online)
Director Statement
Film making is my passion, for me also it’s an instrument to convey different views of realities, express one’s feelings, speak out different stories, and create . I believe that sharing stories through filming is a powerful and a major tool which influences the world positively, and increases overall awareness. I made this film, for the sake of history, the present of today is the past of tomorrow, and the past will be history one day. It is important that the world knows what is happening in the present, what is happening to humanity and to the Palestinian people. The Palestinian has a story to tell. And maybe one day all this history will remain a memory for the next generation in the future.