The Play


Pelin Esmer
Turquia Doc 2005 70’

Ummuye, Behiye, Ummu, Fatma K, Cennet, Saniye, Fatma F, Zeynep e Nesime são nove mulheres que vivem em Arslankoy, uma aldeia montanhosa no Sul da Turquia. Os seus dias são passados a trabalhar no campo, no estaleiro de obras e em casa. Para aliviar a dureza das suas vidas, estas mulheres reúnem-se por uma razão totalmente diferente: pretendem escrever e encenar uma peça baseada nas histórias das suas vidas.

Ummuye, Behiye, Ummu, Fatma K, Cennet, Saniye, Fatma F, Zeynep and Nesime are nine women living in Arslankoy, a mountain village in southern Türkiye. They spend their days working hard in the fields, on the construction site and at home. To lighten the burden of life, these women come together for a completely different reason. They intend to write and perform a play based on their own life stories.

Argumento Screenplay Pelin Esmer
Produção Production Pelin Esmer, Nida Karabol, Tolga Esmer
Fotografia Cinematography Pelin Esmer
Montagem Editing Pelin Esmer
Música Music Mazlum Çimen
Design de Som Sound Design Emrah Yıldırım, Bülent Kılıç
Com With Behiye Yanık, Cennet Güne_, Fatma Fatih, Fatma Kahraman, Hüseyin Arslanköylü, Na_ide Kahraman, Nesime Kahraman, Saniye Cengiz, Ümmüye Koçak, Ümmü Kurt, Zeynep Fatih
Distribuidor Distributor Sinefilm Pelin Esmer

Estreia Nacional Portuguese Première

Prémios Awards
Melhor Revelação, São Paulo IFF, Brasil | Melhor Revelação, Tribeca FF, EUA | Prémio Especial, SIYAD Awards (Turkish Film Critics’ Association), Turquia
E mais de 10 prémios em Alemanha, Espanha, EUA, França, Itália, Turquia
Estreia mundial San Sebastián IFF, Espanha | Selecção oficial IDFA Amsterdam, Países Baixos
Festivais Festivals
Dok Leipzig, Alemanha | IFF Innsbruck, Áustria | Arab Women’s FF, Brasil | Festival Ciné-Palestine, Paris, França | Festival Ciné-Palestine, Marselha, França | Chicago Palestine FF, EUA | IDFA, Amesterdão, Países Baixos | Festival Intl de Cinema de Santarém, Portugal | CPH:DOX Artists & Auteurs, Copenhaga, Suécia | Vision du Reel, IFF Nyon [Estreia mundial], Suíça | Gabes FF, Tunísia


Those nine women doing theater in their own village would, in any case, write and put on stage a play based on their life stories, whether or not I made this movie. That was the most exciting aspect of this work for me. I wanted to shoot a fiction-like documentary and not a documentary- like fiction film, without trying to be invisible but quietly integrating myself in their lives at that very village, at that very moment and with the very people living through this happening. It has been a very important experience for me to observe the film move on the thin line between a documentary and a fiction film as time passed, whilst the line between their real lives and their play blurred. Our filming crew of three eventually turned out to be a part of their theater team. Working under similar circumstances they created, at the end of five weeks, “the play of their lives”, and I created, at the end of two years, the film “The Play”.

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