Vale – The Last Match | Vale – L’Ultimo Incontro


Teresa Sala, Stefano Zoja
Itália Doc 2021 20’

Valeria está prestes a disputar o último encontro da sua carreira de pugilista profissional. Sempre foi combativa, desde criança até ao momento em que teve de lutar pelo direito ao suicidio assistido de Fabiano, companheiro de uma vida. Enquanto luta no ringue, as suas palavras contam o choque imprevisível de duas vidas, o sacrifício nos anos de terapia e a queda final. Até ao momento em que se dá conta de que a sua última luta foi sempre contra a Morte.

Valeria is facing the last match of her career as a professional boxer. She has been very combative since her childhood and until the moment when she has had to fight for the right to assisted suicide for her life long partner Fabiano. As she fights in the ring, her words tell us about the unpredictable clash of the two lives, the sacrifice during the years of therapy and the final fall. Until the moment she realises that her last fight has always been against Death.

Argumento Screenplay Teresa Sala, Stefano Zoja
Produção Production Carlo Prevosti
Fotografia Cinematography Stefano Zoja
Montagem Editing Teresa Sala
Design de Som Design de Som Claudio Cadei
Com With Valeria Imbrogno
Distribuidor Distributor Open DBB


Festivais Festivals
Monacorti, Munich, Alemanha | SediciCorto, Forlì, Itália| Visioni Corte, Gaeta, Itália

Director Statement 
The ability to sustain and transform the burden of such tragic events is at the center of this portrait of Valeria Imbrogno. The occasion is the farewell match of her boxing career, for the WBC for Peace title, during summer 2018. For our purpose, the performance, the opponent and the outcome are irrelevant. What is important to us is to get closer to Valeria through the movements of boxing: the uppercut, the defense, the hook, the dodge, the feet dance. To be immersed in the sacredness of the preparation for the match in the temple which is the locker-room: the warm-up, the testing of the boxing gloves, the concentration. At the same time, we focus closely on her account of what she endured with her lover and father, on her rationalisation of it all. Her soft-spoken yet sharp considerations convey a rare human experience. And the combination of different sides of Valeria – the warrior and the healer, the instinctual and the rational person – is what we are looking for in search for a multifaceted and whole vision of her. Therefore, by studying Valeria closely, scrutinising her animal yet measured fighting style as well as her poignant words, we try to find the reasons for her ability to endure extreme suffering and the proximity of death. Infact these two experiences are part of everyone’s life, even though commonly suppressed in public debate and in our conscience. Valeria had a frighteningly bold and concentrated approach with them. That’s why getting an insight into her fighter’s reaction to these adversities can be of great interest to all of us.


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