
2023 – 10ª EDIÇÃO


Sara Jurinčić
Croácia Doc 2023 15’

Este filme híbrido leva-nos numa viagem a um mundo sem homens, onde as mulheres escolhem a imagem que as representará depois de morrerem. A autora questiona silenciosamente: “Qual é a sensação de ter uma árvore genealógica composta apenas por mulheres? O que sussurram as nossas antepassadas nos seus retratos silenciosos?”

This hybrid film takes us on a journey into a world without men, where women choose the image that will represent them after they are gone. The author silently questions: “How does it feel to have a family tree consisting only of women? What do our ancestors whisper from their silent portraits?”

Argumento Screenplay Sara Jurinčić
Produção Production Vanja Jambrović
Fotografia Cinematography Ivan Slipčević
Montagem Editing Tomislav Stojanović
Música Music Jens Christian, Bo Johansen
Design de Som Sound Design Jens Christian, Bo Johansen
Com With Lidija Fabulić-Jurinčić, Sara Jurinčić
Distribuidor Distributor Split Screen

Estreia Nacional Portuguese Première

Festivais Festivals
Seoul Intl Women’s FF, Coreia | Sheffield DocFest [Estreia Mundial], Reino Unido | Sarajevo FF, Bósnia e Herzegovina


Nota da Realizadora Director’s Statement
I grew up in a family consisting only of female members; by this I mean not just the basic family core, but a much broader women-tribe. Men gradually disappeared, most as sailor at the sea, some were escaped from, and some died young. So that’s how I got to grow up in a defiant world without men.  There is the tradition on my island (north Adriatic Sea), that most people decide while alive, which photo will represent them on their grave after they die. A visual that the family will be obliged to look at as long as they live – often a portrait that will silently judge you by the rest of your own days.  After my beloved grandmother Valerija died, I became obsessed with these visuals and their silent narratives.  So, with this film I question: “How does it feel to have a family tree consisting only of women? What do our ancestress’ whisper from their silent portraits?” The story takes us on a journey following my mother and me, traveling from the mainland to the island graveyard, to visit our Valerija. (Tradition of visiting the graveyard is very strong on the Adriatic). As we reach the graveyard, we are entering a specific world of strict and perfectionist grave maintenance rituals.   With Valerija as a conceptual lead, I’m telling the story of all these women, the hard lives they had and the multigenerational guilt that is inherited and transferred to each new generation. Focusing on showing their tactile world of scarce words and „living by doing“. By letting their narratives go through me, as my body acts as a white canvas. Through this participatory process, I’m consciously eliminating the distance between myself and all those women who are gone, generating our intimate encounter.


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