Competição Curtas Metragens
|||||||| DOM 3 NOV · 11H00 · Cinema São Jorge, Sala 3
Espanha · Fic. · 2024 · 16’
Amanda e Virgi estão a brincar numa ravina quando chega um homem. Ele desperta a desconfiança de Amanda, mas ganha a sua confiança ao brincar com o cão. Amanda aceita que o homem a faça rodopiar no ar, mas rapidamente decide ir-se embora, tentando levar Virgi consigo, mas Virgi prefere ficar…
Amanda and Virgi are playing in a ravine when a man arrives. He arouses Amanda’s suspicion, but wins her trust by playing with his dog. Amanda agrees to let the man spin her around in the air, but after a while she decides to leave trying to bring Virgi with her but Virgi prefers to stay…
Argumento Screenplay Eva Libertad
Produção Production Nuria Muñoz
Fotografia Cinematography Lara Vilanova
Montagem Editing Nuria Campabadal
Música Music Fernando Cano
Direcção de Arte Art Director Victoria Paz
Som Sound Fernando Cano
Com With Candela Moreno, Leire Marín, Agustín Otón, Ángeles Ortiz, Barbara Vargas
Distribuição Distribution Freak Agency
Prémios Awards
Prémio do Júri, Brussels Short FF, Bélgica || Espanha Melhor Ficção, Semana de Cine de Medina del Campo | Melhor Argumento, Muestra de Cine Intl de Palencia | Prémio do CIMA, Navarra IFF | Melhor Direção,
Festivais Festivals
In The Palace Intl Short FF, Bulgária | Calgary IFF, Canadá | Shanghai IFF, China | Festival Intl de Cortometrajes de Torrelavega, Espanha | Giffoni FF, Salerno. Itália | Izmir Intl Short FF, Turquia
Director’s Note
Our intention has been to present the traumatic event that the protagonists go through from their own particular world, looking for the particularities of their characters, their bond, their games, their relationship with the environment, which summon the audience to enter into the story. We have dealt with the subject of abuse without avoiding the crudeness that it entails but without renouncing the poetic either, creating a story full of nuances, where the friendship of the protagonists rebels against this loss of innocence and where adult responsibility is also represented in the face of the lack of protection of childhood.