
Competição Curtas Metragens // Olhares da Palestina
SEX 1 NOV · 14H15 · Cinema São Jorge, Sala 3

Dina Naser
Jordânia, Palestina, Egipto · Fic. · 2023 · 19’

Hind é uma jovem atleta de karaté com uma deficiência auditiva. Quando o seu treinador a assedia, o seu mundo sofre uma profunda transformação e ela terá de recuperar a sua força. Através de uma narrativa sensorial, acompanhada por uma experiência autêntica sonora, o filme explora o impacto da destruição de um espaço seguro, a ternura e a dureza da dor, o silêncio e o ruído, o oculto e o manifesto.
Hind is a young karate athlete with a hearing disability. After her trainer harasses her at the karate centre, Hind’s world is transformed and she has to reclaim her power. Through a sensorial narrative, accompanied by an authentic sonic experience, the film explores the impact of shattered safe spaces, the tenderness and harshness of pain, silence and noise, the hidden and the manifest.

Argumento Screenplay Dina Naser
Produção Production Dina Naser + Batoul Ibrahim
Fotografia Cinematography Eric Devin
Montagem Editing Dina Naser +Islam Kamal
Música Music Ensigh Maliki
Direcção de Arte Art Director Nada Wadi
Som Sound Ensigh Malki 
Com With Malak Nassar, Nadeem Al Remawi, Suahd Khatib
Distribuição Distribution Madd Mosahwash 

Estreia Nacional Portuguese Première

Prémios Awards
Menção Especial, Berlinale Generation Kplus, Alemanha | Melhor Curta,  Seoul Intl Women’s FF, Coreia do Sul | Prémio Black Bear para Melhor Design de Som, Athens Intl Film + Video Festival, Estados Unidos | Melhor Curta, HollyShorts FF, Estados Unidos | Melhor Curta, Minikino Film Week, Indonésia  | Prémio do Público, Melhor Curta, Amman IFF, Jordânia

Festivais Festivals
Berlinale Generation Kplus, Alemanha | Sarajevo FF, Bósnia e Herzegovina | Cleveland  IFF, EUA HollyShorts FF, EUA | San Luis Obispo  IFF, EUA | Athens Intl Film and Video Festival, Grécia | Amman  IFF, Jordânia | DUK Festival, Sérvia 


Director’s Note
The world of the film is inspired by a true story. As a documentary filmmaker, I always find reality more inclusive and inspiring than our imagination, if we observe it closely and mindfully. This is why I constantly borrow from it. “Amplified” gives an insider’s look to the world of an Arab teenage girl with a disability- a world that for the most part is distant to most audiences. I find it important to try to create space for diverse representation of characters that we don’t usually see on screen, to express themselves, as truthfully as possible, especially about controversial topics like sexual harassment. By creating bold narratives, we plant seeds for conversation and action that can challenge our shame-and-blame culture. The film will take us on a journey into Hind’s silent world – a seemingly sonic stillness that, in fact, is always pregnant with vibrations that often speak louder than words or sounds. I am curious to artistically explore Hind’s inner world as we see her being forced into maturity in one single day


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