Começar a Olhar
|||||||| SEX 1 NOV · 21H30 · Cinema São Jorge, Sala 3
Chloe Khoury
Líbano · Exp. · 2023 · 5’
Neste filme experimental acompanhamos a realizadora Chloe na sua viagem de ida e volta do Líbano, o seu país natal, a França. Ao longo do caminho, Chloe reflecte sobre o sentimento de pertença e de como o conceito de lar pode ser moldado tanto pela localização física como pelas ligações pessoais.
In this experimental film we follow the director, Chloe, on her journey from Lebanon, her home country, to France and back. Along the way, Chloe reflects on what it means to belong and how the concept of home can be shaped by both physical location and personal connections.
Argumento Screenplay Chloe Khoury
Produção Production Chloe Khoury
Fotografia Cinematography Chloe Khoury
Montagem Editing Chloe Khoury, Rabih Ghannam
Música Music Chloe Khoury
Direcção de Arte Art Director Chloe Khoury
Som Sound Chloe Khoury
Com With Chloe Khoury
Distribuição Distribution Chloe Khoury
Estreia Internacional International Première
Director’s Note
Fueled by a passion for storytelling and a commitment to shedding light on societal realities, I have decided, after working in communications with international organizations for six years, to give way to my urge to create. The will that I have had, since my youngest age, to fight injustice is being channeled through my camera, as a tool for change. Filmmaking to me, unveils untold narratives. I use reflections, texture and movement to dive into the core of my subjects and uncover the unseen. My focus lies in capturing overlooked stories, giving a voice to those who lost it, highlighting marginalized subjects. With each visual, I aim not only to capture moments but also to invite viewers into introspection.