Competição Curtas Metragens
|||||||| QUI 31 OUT · 14H30 · Cinema São Jorge, Sala 3
// Seguido de Debate A VIDA DOS CORPOS na Sala 2, às 16H
Ece Dizdar
Turquia · Fic. · 2024 · 20’
Numa casa de classe média-alta em Istambul, pressionada de forma subtil pela sociedade islâmica, Azra, uma mulher com depressão pós-parto e um agudo instinto animal, atreve-se a questionar a circuncisão, ao ponto de se perguntar se não será uma blasfémia contra Alá, uma violação da perfeição com que o corpo foi criado.
In a mid-upper class home in Istanbul, surrounded by disguised pressure from the Islamist society, Azra, a postpartum mother with baby blues and heightened animalistic instincts, dares to question circumcision to the point of wondering whether it’s not blasphemy against Allah, a violation of the perfection of the created body.
Argumento Screenplay Ece Dizdar
Produção Production M.Tayfur Aydin
Fotografia Cinematography Eyup Boz
Montagem Editing Selda Taskin
Música Music Ayberk Konca
Direcção de Arte Art Director Aybuke Karakurum
Som Sound Ikilim Temmuz Ulukir
Com With Ozlem Ocalamaz, Serdar Orcin, Aysenil Samlioglu
Distribuição Distribution Film Station
Estreia Mundial World Première
Director’s Note
I started writing this short film after my friend gave birth 10 years ago and I witnessed an impressive moment when she was licking her son’s hands to clean off the excessive skin flakes right after birth. The lost or hidden animalistic instincts and reactions of women, especially when heightened by the chemistry of motherhood, has always struck my attention. While political oppression dominated by Islamic values rises in my country, the practice of circumcision has always amazed me as a practice never questioned by any circle independent from socioeconomic differences and despite the fact that the Quran doesn’t openly command it, but only refers to it as sunnah (recommended practice of the prophet). Foreskin is a film daring to put on the table the question whether circumcision is a blasphemy against God by interrupting the perfection of the body that God has created. I accompanied the pregnancy and labor of my lead actress who stars in the film with her newborn baby. The film takes place in a confined space echoing the distress of the mother and ends in the streets reflecting her despair. I think of this film as a discussion on the customs and traditions that are taken for granted as default practices even when they concern one’s most natural birth right to protect the wholeness of the body.