Walking Around My Head

2024 – 11ª EDIÇÃO

Começar a Olhar
DOM 3 NOV · 14H15 · Cinema São Jorge, Sala 3

Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Turquia, França · Anim. · 2023 · 10’

Incapaz de acordar totalmente depois de uma sesta, Cankus decide dar um passeio para se recompor. No entanto, continua a oscilar entre o sonho e a realidade enquanto deambula por uma Istambul pós-covid, num burburinho de incerteza e instabilidade política, humor, beleza e confusão.
Unable to fully wake up after a nap, Cankus decides to take a walk to pull herself together. Yet she continues to oscillate between dream and reality as she strolls through post-covid Istanbul, in a buzz of uncertainty and political instability, humour, beauty and confusion.

Argumento Screenplay Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Produção Production Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Fotografia Cinematography Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Montagem Editing Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Música Music Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Direcção de Arte Art Director Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Som Sound Melisa Yağmur SAYDI
Com With none
Escola School Beaux-Arts de Marseille 

Estreia Nacional Portuguese Première

Prémios Awards
Prix Sud Emergence, OVNI Video Art Festival, França

Director’s Note
The mental space of the individual is impacted by the exterior, and the exterior, which is already in constant evolution, is perceived in waves of changing consciousness by the individuals, as by my character Cankus.  Moreover, video impresses me because I find fragility in it. This is linked to the themes I deal with: our state of mind in a fragile world at risk of becoming pixelated and disappearing at any moment, surrounded by the changing and precarious neoliberal present, and also, our need to understand. So I can say that this film is a come and go between the inner world of my character Cankus and the realities of post-covid Istanbul. 


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